Help Centres provide support for all levels of coursework in any subject. We offer one-on-one tutoring, tips and tools and a dedicated quiet space to work on your own or in groups.
Our Help Centres will offer the options of face-to-face or online appointments. Learn about our many Help Centres and how to book an appointment.
Improve your academic skills
In person or online tutoring for Acct 110, 111, 161, 207, FIN 110 and BUS 140 courses.
English upgrading
Support for students taking self-paced ENGL 021 to ENGL 070 courses and those taking in-classes courses ENGL 070 to ENGL 142.
English language development (ELD/ESL)
Support for multilingual and international students enrolled in ELD 010 to ELD 105.
From math basics to advanced calculus to trades-specific skills, there's a Math Lab & Help Centre for you. Refresh your math skills, work on your math assignments with our support or get tutoring on specific topics.
From science basics to advanced topics, there's a Help Centre for you. Refresh your skills, work on your assignments with our support, or get tutoring in physics, biology and chemistry.
Need a hand?

Help Centres offer free one-on-one tutoring and writing support for Camosun students at all levels.
Help Centres FAQs
Who works in the Help Centres?
All of our tutors have a Bachelor’s degree and several years of teaching and/or tutoring experience. Most also have teaching credentials and/or a Master’s degree. They’re all highly skilled in assisting you with your coursework. Their job title is Instructional Assistant, or IA, for short.
Can I visit the Help Centres without asking a question or seeing a tutor?
Feel free to use the room to study or to use the computer, printer, or photocopier. You can bring your lunch or help yourself to our tea station where available.
Can I visit a Help Centre on a different campus?
Yes, if you are a student attending classes at Lansdowne, Interurban, off-campus partner sites, or online you are welcome to use services and facilities at both campuses.
How many questions can I ask at a time?
You can ask one or many, depending on how many other students are waiting for help and how much the IA thinks it is best to work on at once.
If I miss a class, will the Instructional Assistant teach me the lesson I missed?
No, teaching an entire lesson is not possible. If you miss a class, contact your instructor for notes or information on what was covered. The IA and instructor can provide support, but it is your responsibility to learn the material.
Can I get help with homework?
Yes, for graded homework, IAs can provide help at their discretion. In these cases, it’s best to come with mostly completed work about which you have very specific questions. Otherwise, the IAs are happy to discuss concepts and practice questions from your textbook.
Can you tell me what grade I might receive on my assignment?
No, please approach your instructor regarding any concerns about grading.
Can I eat or drink in the Help Centres?
Yes, please be respectful of others by choosing quiet snacks with little to no odour and by cleaning up after yourself. Food should be kept away from computers and drinks should be in a closed cup.
Can I talk or use a phone?
Feel free to quietly discuss homework with others, but general chatting or cell phone use should be taken outside.
Is there a printer?
There are no student printers in the math help centres or labs, though you can print (for a fee) from any networked computer or personal wireless device using the PaperCut cloud-based system.